All of us have heard the comment "They've kicked God out of the public schools." Every time I hear or read that ludicrous statement, I cringe. Why do I cringe? I cringe because God is the Master of this universe that He has created. He is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. God is everywhere. After all, this is HIS universe. How could anybody "kick God out" of a school, a church, a forest, a camping ground, a mall, a turnpike or anyplace else? I don't know who thinks God has been kicked out of the public schools, but whoever thinks such a thing had better read the Bible and once again familiarize himself/herself with the truth about the Creator of this vast universe.
The public schools belong to everybody in this country. They are as American as apple pie, and we ALL pay taxes to the public schools. Even atheists pay taxes and have a right to send their children to the public schools. Government-sponsored prayers have no place in the public schools of America. The place for prayers is in the home and in the church. It seems that those who are so gung-ho for prayer in the public schools are the evangelicals who think it's great so long as the prayer that is being recited is THEIR kind of prayer. "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."
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